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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  December 3, 2013 11:00am-1:01pm PST

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deliver gifts to the kids? >> we didn't see a drone delivery. the next thing we are watching for is, will santa enter chinese air space. wolf? >> we'll have to declare it to the chinese. thanks very much. having fun at the pentagon. that's it for me. i'll be back at 5:00 p.m. news room continues with brooke. >> i'm brooke baldwin, great to be with you. thank you for being with me on this tuesday. i have to tell you about a shocking case on a delta plane bound for atlanta on one of, really, what's determined the busiest flying days of years. this is what we are learning. on thanksgiving day, passengers departing gainsville regional airport in florida were told they had been bumped off the plane. here's the kicker. this is why. to make room for the university of florida men's basketball
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team. this entire flight, this is a delta flight, canceled so this sports team could use the plane. this story was first reported by morgan watkins, a staff writer. she is joining me now. morgan, you heard about this whole thing because a passenger tipped you off. what was it she told you? from reading your piece, one of these passengers missed a funeral because of this. >> sunday night, letting us know she was clearly very upset about what happened to her. she was pretty much up there talking while waiting to find out what flight she's going to get or where she has to go to get a flight. she's finding out, this one milszed a funeral, this one had to have her dad drive her to atlanta. i talked to her once she finally got off the plane. she wasn't done traveling until later monday night. >> back up. how did this unfold? what did delta tell them?
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>> according to her, what happened was delta, they were supposed to fly out around 3:30 p.m. and delta told them there was a mechanical delay, they were waiting around figuring they would fix whatever the problem was and they would still get out at a decent hour. a few hours into it, they went from a delay to being totally canceled. during that discussion, some of the passengers, herself included, looked out the window and saw the basketball players getting on to the plane. this whole team. >> what -- >> that didn't go over too well. >> i imagine it did not. >> what did delta explain to these people are what has delta said to you in defending what they did? >> when i talked to delta, they got in touch with me toward the end of the day yesterday. they said it was a case of maintenance difficulty. they ended up deciding in a new
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statement they just released today, they said it was a case where they thought the maintenance difficulties on the flight would be fixed quickly. that's why they switched the flights or switched the planes. delta said they apologized and gave them vouchers and made sure they found other accommodations and apologized for the inconvenience. >> with the inconvenience, she's irked, but is she irked enough to do something beyond complain? >> for her, it was mostly an inconvenience. it wasn't like the person who missed a funeral, that's bigger and more unfortunate. she was upset by the idea the reason they got bumped in the first place was because of the basketball team needing to make a game that was not until monday evening. i did not get a sense from her
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she was looking for -- she just wanted to tell us so we could let everyone know in the community. i guess on the contrary, this is what happened and these things happen on delta. for her, she said i know they gave vouchers and she thought the vouchers would probably be enough to make the passengers feel -- >> hopefully these things do not happen on delta. hopefully they don't. hopefully this is not typical delta procedure. we'll reach out to delta to try to get our own statements on this. morgan watkins, thank you so much for sharing this story. we'll follow it with you, thank you. now, an update on what we are following out of new york. word of admission by the engineer at the controls of the speeding train jumped the tracks in the bronx, two senior law enforcement sources tell the engineer, there he is, said he was quote, in a daze. this was revealed to investigators moments after the
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derailment that killed four and injured more than 60 others. investigators now say this train carrying 150 passengers approached the sharp curve, here's the map, approached the curve doing 82 miles an hour. this is a bend with a speed limit of 30 miles per hour. 82. that is too fast even for the straight away with a 70-mile-per-hour limit. nick is on the scene of the crash and joins me here in the new york studio. wow. now we are hearing about dazed. what do we know from the operator. what led to this? >> well, what he describes as going along in a daze, those were his exact words -- >> not asleep, in a daze. >> in a daze. he says i don't know what happened. this is what he told investigators after the accident. what we do know is five seconds before the train actually physically came to a rest, that's wlthat
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e that's when the brakes were applied. that's pretty much when the train is actually coming off the rail itself. building this picture and he's said i applied the brakes and nothing happened. building a picture of him being surprised about what happened, being in shock. now investigators are really going to want to know, what was happening in the minutes prior. he stopped perfectly well. he controlled the train and stopped it nine stations before. this is where they are going to be. >> there's something else going on here as well. yesterday afternoon, the engineer stopped talking to the investigators. he was in an emotional state. they said yesterday they would be picking up with him today and go on tomorrow. there's clearly a lot that they want to get out of him. >> define emotional state. >> he's a man whose been driving a train and come to realize four people died, 67 people injured. he said i was in a daze.
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this is a man who will be coming to realize the enormity of what he must sense some responsibility for. that's enormous. one can imagine, all these things have happened so fast, trying to help the investigators, telling them everything he can. now he's becoming very real. the emotions are going to start to sink in. >> anderson cooper did a great interview with one of the families. my father was not a victim. we are going to play part of that gut wrenching interview. thank you very much with the latest on what's happening with the deadly train derailment. heavy snow is one problem for search teams looking for a plane that's lost somewhere in the idaho wilderness. pilot dale smith reported engine trouble and asked to find a back country airstrip.
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he eventually lost radio contact with them. four family members were reportedly on board with him. friends are surprised smith would run into anything he couldn't handle. >> if there's anyone who is able to survive a difficult situation, it would be dale. >> he was a really good pilot. i would be surprised if anything happened. maybe he ran into bad weather. >> authorities are trying to remain hopeful. they say they may have landed somewhere safely. the plane's built in emergency locator is designed to activate in crashes but has yet to go off. current and retired city workers in detroit got the news they had been dreading today. a judge ruled that detroit now qualifies for bankruptcy protection. what that means is that people's pensions could be slashed. the judge calls the bankruptcy a
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chance for a fresh start. people who counted on the city to keep their promises on the pensions, they are calling today a betrayal and lawyers plan to appeal. poppy harlow joins me from new jersey on the phone with more on this. poppy, are the pension cuts a sure thing? >> reporter: most likely, yes. the question is not if, but i think how deep are the cuts going to be. you have to remember, this is the biggest municipal bankruptcy in the history of this country. the city of detroit is $18 billion in debt. they filed for bankruptcy in july. when i was there talking on that day they filed bankruptcy with the emergency manager of detroit, he told me they are going to have to be some cuts. he has to get rid of at least $9 billion in debt. how do you do that? well, you don't pay back all you owe to wall street investors and other investors. the city's argument is, you don't have enough money to pay back the pension obligations you promised the city workers or the full benefits you promised them.
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now, the unions, the pension funds, they were in court fighting this. what the judge did today, he said, nope, we are going to allow this, allow detroit to go forward with bankruptcy. the judge is going to have to determine how deep the cuts can be. the public pension coalition, very upset calling this a dark day for the people of detroit who they say played by the rules. they say are now at risk of losing everything. it's not likely they are going to lose everything, but they are likely going to see cuts. i just got off a phone with a city worker in detroit for 29 years. he said he has no idea how much his pension will be cut. he says he can't afford for it to be cut by a dollar. he says i'm being robbed. this is highway robbery. this is what happens in a bankruptcy. what we are going to have to see now is how much, just to put it in perspective. this is the motor city, once boomtown, usa. they have fallen into this
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bankruptcy. >> times have changed. >> reporter: declining population. >> exactly. poppy harlow, you have seen it, i have seen it. we'll see what happens and how much is cut from the different people you have talked to. poppy harlow with the latest in detroit. who is entitled to this. this is andy warhol's portrait of far ra faucet. now the actor is being sued. find out what he said in court, plus a husband and father spends 25 years behind bars for the murder of his wife. but the thing is, he didn't kill her. i will speak live with a lawyer who helped expose the evidence that ultimately set this man free, coming up next. announcer] it's simple physics... a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms.
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great to be with you. i'm brooke baldwin live from new york. let's talk, maybe, perhaps, no, chad myers with news of the first major rocky mountain snow. >> rocky mountain high for the people out there. nobody is complaining. people when in the rockies get snow, they go and play in it. this is a big one for aspen, for veil, for utah up to billings, montana and idaho. big mountain snows above 5,000 feet. that's where people go skiing. in the plains, people don't need it unless you are trying to cover up. denver, aspen, seeing the snow. loveland, a nice shot from loveland, colorado.
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you can't see very much, unfortunately. there it is. that's what the department of transportation website look like. cars moving, but not quickly. slow trying to get up the hill. the west side is where the snow is coming from and continues all night long tonight. there will be spots, i'm not kidding you, spots with three feet of snow, even the lowlands. aspen, as you drive up toward highlands. two feet of snow to plow and everybody is cheering. it has been a very big drought to the west where we haven't seen a lot of snow. >> ski season. >> ski season is coming. >> it's coming. bring it on. thank you very much. we'll check in with you next hour. >> all right. truth mathers. that is the phrase from the cnn film, "unreal dream." it is one of the only things that helped michael not give up hope. morton is a man convicted of a
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brutal killing of his young wife. he spent the next quarter century in the texas prison system, totally cut off from his family dealing with the harsh reality of life behind bars. it took 25 years but dna evidence finally reveals what morton's defense attorneys always believed to be true, that morton was innocent. >> i don't keep the files of all the cases i have tried. i kept michael's file. michael's case was different. on almost every level, particularly emotional level with me. you can't afford to -- when you try criminal cases, you have to leave a little bit of your own blood on the floor in front of the jury or they will see through you. but you can't afford to carry it around with you for very long.
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but i did with michael. and it really got me down. >> with the help of the innocence project and a team of local pro bono lawyers, michael martin, look at that, was finally exonerated. he and his attorney are now good friends. we are talking about this incredible moment. you met michael morton in 2005? >> yes, ma'am. >> you ultimately got the news you all wanted seven years later? >> june, 2011, we filed a motion for dna testing in february, 2005. >> it took that many years? >> i was really surprised by the degree of opposition we faced. we were talking about a simple test on a bloody bandana found near the murder scene that can only reveal the truth and the test would have been free to the state because of the innocence project. we would have paid for the cost
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of the test. for nearly seven years, they fought us tooth and nail in state courts and federal courts and appellate courts. eventually the truth came out. >> describe for me the moment when finally you said yes and head said yes and could finally be free. >> it's indescribable. nina morris, my co-council and i went to speak to him and tell him the news. >> you broke the news to him? >> we shared it with him personally. we didn't want to do it on the phone. the moment we were able to walk out of the courtroom together for the first time, the first breath of freedom and he turned his eyes up toward the sun and inhaled. it was just such a precious, special moment for us. i'll always cherish it and remember it. >> from that moment, let's go back in time. >> yes. >> i want to play a piece of this film. this is michael describing what
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it was like going to prison. watch. >> when i first got to texas penitentiary, the first thing they do is strip you naked and search you. you are given a pair of state boxers. i realized the full gravity of the place because as i was standing in line to get my boots, i noticed the guy in front of me. i counted 13 stab wounds in his back. >> 13 stab wounds in his back. here is a man who ultimately is exonerated. he did not do what he was sent to prison to do. what kind of man is he? how is he now? >> michael morton is one of the finest men i have ever known or will know. >> wow. >> he's a brother to me. he's an inspiration to all of us. i will never forget the first time i met him in prison. i read the complete file and realized there was no real evidence to convict him. i met him and remembered i came
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home and was incredibly moved by the whole thing. i talked to my wife and said, my god, he's innocent. we have to get him out. she looked at me and said, then do it. >> so you did. >> we assembled our team. it's been a team effort. i served with many fine men and women that worked together on this. >> congratulations. "an unreal dream" thursday at 9:00 p.m. eastern and pacific. thank you a pleasure. coming up next, the four year battle heats up over this andy warhol portrait of actress farrah fawcett. online stories that will definitely tug at your heart and pocketbook. what happened to all the donations when the stories are outed as fake? we'll find out. [ lane ] are you growing old
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to politics now. the obama administration is more than eager to shift this debate over health care to the benefits of the law itself. with that goal in mind, the president kicks off a three week pr blitz later this hour at the white house. every day, between now and december 23rd, the administration plans to highlight a different aspect of the law. earlier today, president bill clinton spoke with us and remember when bill clinton said president obama should honor his, if you like it you can keep it pledge? clinton says those comments were not intended to distance his wife and her potential white house candidacy from any obama care headaches. here he was. >> i was trying to be supportive of it. i don't think you can find anybody in america who worked harder for his re-election or
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support of this bill or went out of the way to explain the bill more than i did. there's no politics there. i didn't say anything until he talked. i'm trying to be supportive. i do think we have to get the website up and we have to work. is it confined to the website? that's the biggest problem because if the website is working and everybody can see what their options are, then in most states, most people will have a good option, which will be the same or less costly than the one they had before that will cover the same or more conditions. so, i think it will be all right. but, know there was no politics involved. >> when asked if hillary clinton will run for president because you know that is the question that bill clinton continues to get, his answer, three words, i don't know.
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but he did say, he likes joe biden and if biden is the democratic nominee, he would be glad to help him. question, do you watch the hit tv show, "scandal" with the lovely, gorgeous kerry washington? it's based on a high profile manager in d.c. she talked to piers morgan of how she would advise president obama on this health care mess. take a listen. >> i don't think we have seen a disaster like this in awhile. i think it is very problematic buzz this is the president's signature piece of legislation. i think everybody agrees that the initial rollout has been a mess. the president has apologized for it. i think the question is going to be how he moves past this. >> the problem to me seems he has said we have a few things wrong. the real thing he got wrong is he went out there front and center and repeatedly told a
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lie. let's watch this clip here showing him in action. >> you like your plan? keep your plan. if you like your plan, you can keep your plan. if you like your private health insurance plan, you can keep it. >> this was mr. transparent. this was mr. i'm going to change washington. look at me, you can trust me. >> yes. >> that, to me, is damaging to the obama brand. this is all about technology. this is the geek president. he wins with the most underground internet campaign imaginable and he can't rollout his flag ship policy. >> with this, the president lost a lot of trust with the american public. a lot of confidence, in particular in the business community. i think now he's got to make sure he sets expectations and time lines that are realistic. >> is he too late? has he damaged obama care? >> i don't think it's too late.
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i think from a legacy perspective, the way this was rolled out will have some effect on that. the battle over this andy warhol photo of farrah fawcett is being fought in court. she left her art to her alma mat mater. the actor took to the stand saying there were two prints one for ah faucet and one for him. alan duke, we know ryan o'neil admits to taking the portrait, why? >> he was left out of farrah fawcett's will, everything went to their son redmond o'neal.
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what he did a week after her death in june of 2009 was he went to her condominium, took it off her wall and back to his malibu home, the home where they lived together in the 1990s. what happened in court yesterday was somewhat embarrassing and emotional for mr. o'neal. he had to talk about his affair with a 25-year-old woman and being caught in the act in the bedroom by farrah fawcett in 1997. there were a lot of juicy tabloid tidbits coming out from this trial. all over this painting. he says he had one, she had one. but, what the lawyers for university of texas at austin say is actually they were both hers. she paid the insurance. she publicly said they were hers. she left all of her artwork to the university she attended in the 1960s. >> much to do about this
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painting. if one were to try to sell it today, how much do you think you could get for it? >> well, i'm not an auction near or art appraiser, but andy warhol paintings have gone for upwards of $100 million. this one, officially is worth more than $1 million. that's all they had to say. i doubt this will ever be sold. ryan o'neal wants it to give to his son. redmond has gone through a battle with drugs and prison and drug rehabilitation and was close to his mother. that's what ryan o'neal says his motivation is. university of texas is intended to put on display along with the other artwork they have. >> of course. alan duke, thank you very much in los angeles. still ahead, the bronx train derailment. an 82-mile-an-hour disaster. >> for a train to be going 82 miles per hour around that curve
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is just a frightening thought. >> new evidence this afternoon on what caused this new york train to fly off the track and a victim's family opens up about this recent loss. i don't just make things for a living i take pride in them. so when my moderate to severe chronic plaque psoriasis was also on display, i'd had it. i finally had a serious talk with my dermatologist. this time, he prescribed humira-adalimumab. humira helps to clear the surface of my skin by actually working inside my body. in clinical trials, most adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis saw 75% skin clearance. and the majority of people were clear or almost clear in just 4 months. humira can lower your ability to fight infections,
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open enrollment ends december 7th. so now's the time. visit or call 1-800-medicare welcome back. i'm brooke baldwin. a speeding train jumps the tracks. now an admission. william rockefeller, seen here, says he was, and i'm quoting him, in a daze. this was revealed to investigators. his cleels say he is torn up by the whole thing. his interview, investigators cut short because of his emotional
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state realizing just what has happened. the families of those killed torn apart by the tragedy. one of them, talked to cnn about his life and their heart break. >> i want people to know that jim was interested in what everybody was doing. he was pure goodness and he lived that and showed that and gave that to his boys every single day. he gave that to his guys that he worked with. he gave that to his family, his brothers and nieces and nephews. he gave that to his beautiful daughter. i want people to know how good jim was. >> i saw some of the tweets you were sending out. tell us about your dad. >> um, well, first off, i want to say, that my dad was not a
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victim. i don't want him to be known as a victim. jim was so much more than just a victim. he was a loving father, great dad, best friend, uncle -- great co-worker. just always had a smile on his face. never had anything bad to say about anyone. one of the best people you could ever meet. i want to say, i am so proud and blessed i was able to call him my father. >> i lost my dad when i was 10. you are so strong to be able to be talking about him. it's important for you -- for other people to know about it. you want other people to know what he was like. >> absolutely. he's the type of person you want to show off in your life. >> that morning, he gave me a
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kiss in the car good-bye like he does and we have to cross paths as i make my way across. there was a second kiss. we don't usually do that. so, i got a second kiss. >> also, among the victims, 54-year-old donna smith, 59-year-old james ferrari and a 35-year-old. ntsb determined the train was going 82 miles per hour around a curve with a 30-mile-per-hour limit. coming up next, online story that is you hear about that tug at your heart. maybe you donate money for the cause. what happens when the tear jerkers are outed as hoaxes? we followed the money. also a disturbing study, american kids falling further behind in math. where the united states ranks and what is causing such low scores. stay with me. so ally bank has a raise your rate cd that won't trap me in a rate.
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it is a story that tugged at probably your conscience, you read it on the internet. a mother blogs about being poor, really poor. nobody gives thought to depression. you have to understand that we know we will never not feel tired. we will never feel hopeful. we will never get a vacation, ever. she goes on, i am not beautiful, i have missing teeth and skin that looks like it will, when you live on b-12, coffee, nicotine and no sleep. beauty is a thing you get when
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you can afford it. it's how you get the job you need. there isn't much point in trying. you read that, you feel for her. itis compelling, right? the blogger cashed in. she raised more than $60,000 through this is a hoax. it's fake according to the houston press. it outed her as a blogger who went to boarding school. it's just one example. here's another, elan gayle tells off a passenger tweeting picks and notes to each other. one word, fake. and the waitress, this was all over facebook, cheated out of a tip because she's a lesbian. the accused family denied it showing a receipt with a decent tip on it. what's up with this? what's up with the internet hoaxes? joining me, host of ""reliable
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sources"" and money tech, laurie segal. we all read them and are on social media. you read them and feel for these people. ryan, to you, first. walk me through the blogs, they grab the story and run with they will. >> we want them to be true. >> right. >> we forget the first rule, trust and verify. check it out first. there is a industry with websites in the business of finding these things and blowing them up. i don't want to pick on any specific ones, but buzz feed does it and "huffington post" and others like them because they have a lot of interest for people. >> laurie, let me ask you this because you follow social media. it shows how intimately it can light up on twitter and for example, this woman, the
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blogger, impoverred blogger. >> everyone likes a good story. the speed of the internet is a different kind of speed. that's what happened here. people didn't take a step back. i have fallen victim to this, but sometimes you have to do -- you need to vet. someone reached out to me on twitter and all of us were saying who is this person? we did vetting, looked and there was a photo of this guy and he was taken off. you have to really operate under the assumption that maybe viral first, but take a look at it. what about vetting? are we not vetting enough? what is the process for that? >> the conventional wisdom that is emerging says that sometimes the truth doesn't sell as well as hoaxes. if a website writes about something that turns out to be a hoax, the debunking of it isn't going to get as much tracking as the original story.
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there are a lot of sources that are good at vetting and live to vet the stories. if you are online and read a story that seems too good to be true. check it out with a source you trust. by the way, sometimes the stories don't have to be true. the guy on the plane that was making up the story about a mean woman in a row near him, you know, it's a reality tv producer. we had reason to be skeptical from the get go. i think he was a great story teller. he told a fantastic story, but it was fiction. >> if it looks too good to be true, it probably is. thank you both very, very much. make sure you tune in, let's give you another plug, brian debuts and hosts cnns "reliable sources" here, cnn, sunday at 11:00 a.m. trusting and verifying all at once. thank you very much. now to this, a manmade or
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should i say fan made earthquake. have you heard about this? which football fans rattled the earth. ♪ morning, turtle. ♪ my friends are all around me ♪ my friends, they do surround me ♪ ♪ i hope this never ends ♪ and we'll be the best of friends ♪ [ male announcer ] the 2014 chevrolet traverse... all set? all set. [ male announcer ] ...with three rows of spacious seating for up to eight. imagine that. chevrolet. find new roads. ♪ dial up my number now ♪ weaving it through the wire ♪ switch me on ♪ i want to touch you
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♪ you're just made for love ♪ i need ooh la la la la la you give them the giggles. tylenol cold® helps relieve your worst cold and flu symptoms. but for everything we do, we know you do so much more. tylenol cold®. ♪ [ male announcer ] 1.21 gigawatts. today, that's easy. ge is revolutionizing power. supercharging turbines with advanced hardware and innovative software. using data predictively to help power entire cities. so the turbines of today... will power us all... into the future. ♪ and our giant idaho potato truck is still missing. so my dog and i we're going to go find it.
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it's out there somewhere spreading the good word about idaho potatoes and raising money for meals on wheels. but we'd really like our truck back, so if you see it, let us know, would you? thanks. what? i don't miss out... you sat out most of our game yesterday! asthma doesn't affect my job... you were out sick last week. my asthma doesn't bother my family... you coughed all through our date night! i hardly use my rescue inhaler at all. what did you say? how about - every day? coping with asthma isn't controlling it.
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test your level of control at, then talk to your doctor. there may be more you could do for your asthma. passengers who thought they caught a deadly bacteria can breathe a sigh of release. a man tested negative for tuberculosis. he was held for fear he might be infected. they had to tell people on the flight they may have been exposed. cdc added his name to the no-fly list. with this news, he is off the list and free to fly. if you were watching the nfl last night, you might have heard the announcers mention a few times, actually, the seattle sea hawk fans were going out to be loud. the return, wait for it.
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return for a touchdown. those fans screamed and stomped so hard they got picked up by a sizometer. they moved the needle. chad, i have never heard of this in my life. rumbles of an earthquake. fan earthquake in seattle. >> it's only a couple blocks away, but it did pick up the rumblings of the stadium, the jumping up and down and the sound of the fans cheering. this is kind of an echo chamber because of the way the roof is set up here and here. a regular stadium without a roof like that, the sound goes up and out. here? seattle, it's not that way. it gets echoed down like the echo chamber at the nation's capital. during the second quarter, they broke a different record, the december ball record. they set it at 136.6. plane takes off at 150.
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chiefs took it back last october and now the seahawks have it at 137.6. >> this is what it looked like sunday night. not much. a couple cars going by. then put nit game and the game shows the rumbling. the blue there was the rumbling of when it happened. that was the interception and the return all the way back for the touchdown. there are other parts, we are going zoom in closer. there are other booms in here once in awhile. that right there in white, so you can't see it. in red so you can. that is the sberp sepgs. the runback and touchdown. there's a couple first downs here. this spot there was a third down stand right through here. these are all minutes. that right there was rumbling for more than 65 seconds. >> crazy. that's crazy they didn't have itd for the alabama/auburn game. thank you very much.
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>> you're welcome. a rabbi is teaching self-defense in his community. the fight against the so-called knock-out game. he will demonstrate what he's trying to tell people live on the air. plus, delta boots passengers off this flight to make room for a college basketball team. they apparently lied about it. that story is next. ya know, with new fedex one rate
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you can fill that box and pay one flat rate. i didn't know the coal thing was real. it's very real... david rivera. rivera, david. [ male announcer ] fedex one rate. simple, flat rate shipping with the reliability of fedex. and our giant idaho potato truck is still missing. so my dog and i we're going to go find it. it's out there somewhere spreading the good word about idaho potatoes and raising money for meals on wheels. but we'd really like our truck back,
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so if you see it, let us know, would you? thanks. what? you give them the giggles. tylenol cold® helps relieve your worst cold and flu symptoms. but for everything we do, we know you do so much more. tylenol cold®.
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so, a little bit of news for you first. test scores for teenagers rising around the world. bad news, it's not happening here. american teen scores are pretty much the same. that means our country is falling behind. here is christine romans. christine? >> reporter: brooke, in the past three years, american 15-year-olds have fallen further behind in math, science and reading. it's dubious for a country that spends more on education than anything else. it's a key test given to 15-year-olds in 65 countries. the u.s. ranks 36th in math. east asian countries top all three categories in science, the u.s. ranks 28th. only in reading are u.s. students really above average and still pretty much in the middle of the pack.
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shanghai takes every spot but they hardly represent all of china. it's a slim, slim look about the education system in china. the u.s. slipped in the rankings since 2009. scores are a little changed from the first report in 2000. what's wrong here? the report blames weak u.s. curriculum and education secretary arne duncan calls it a picture of educational stagnation. this is a reality at odds with aspirations to have the best educated work force in the world. he's pushing new common core standards in 45 states. a nationwide drive to standardize education hoping to stem the slide and reenergize american students. brooke? >> we roll on. i'm brooke baldwin here in new york with you today. news after an admission by the engineer at the controls of the speeding train that jumped the tracks in the bronx. here he is. this is the engineer.
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two seen yore law enforcement sources tell cnn he said he was, quote, in a daze. before the derailment that killed four and injured more than 60 others, investigators are now saying this train carrying 150 passengers appro h approached the sharp curve doing 82 miles per hour. this is around a bend that has a speed limit of 30. he was doing 82. that is too fast for the straight away set at 70 miles per hour. that's the speed limit there. this engineer here, his name is william rockefeller, told investigators he was quote, going along and i'm in a daze. i don't know what happened. this is a direct quote from him. his colleagues say he is absolutely torn up by this incident. the ntsbs interview was cut short because of his emotional state. let's talk about legalities here. first on that phrase, in a daze.
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he's not saying he was asleep at the wheel, but he was in a daze. does that help him, hurt him, does it matter? >> very, very strange phrase, brooke. when prosecutors look at a case like this, in new york, they are looking at do we have a criminally negligent homicide case. frequently we see them when somebody is driving while drunk and speeding. you have two factors, two areas of gross negligence and somebody dies. it's a crime. >> okay. >> now let's go to the train. in this case, unless he has a medical condition that he did not know about -- >> which we don't know -- >> we caused him to be in a daze and he was not aware, he's going to have a major problem. a medical condition, sudden on set with no advanced knowledge, i don't know it's criminal conduct, it's an unfortunate
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accident. if he had notice and continued to operate as an engineer, you are operating a piece of machine. if he heard the warning, there's a warning that goes off before you hit the curve and he was doing 82 miles per hour he knows you are only supposed to do 30. it looks like it would be a strong criminal case against him. >> if convicted, how much trouble could he be in? >> oh, he would be in major trouble, if indicted and if convicted. he's looking at a very lengthy jail sentence as a result of a felony conviction. by the way, there's precedent for this. a subway incident a few years ago, indicted on a very similar fact pattern. we see indictments of people who drive cars negligently. >> what were the factors proven then? >> a case where he should not have been driving because he knew of a medical condition and he was warned he was going too
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fast and continued to go too fast. you have to find two factors to get criminal conduct in new york. >> thank you for your expertise. we are staying all over this story. four dead and 67 injured in new york. delta passengers bound for atlanta on thanksgiving day are bumped. you will never believe why. they were apparently bumped off this plane to make room for the university of florida basketball team. this is the information we are getting from the gainsville sun. the passengers departing the airport in florida were told their flight had been canceled. they were sitting there wondering why. they start to realize when they are looking out the window and see the basketball players boarding this delta flight. the gainsville sun is reporting one of those passengers, a bumped passenger missed a funeral because of this. one missed a moving truck. delta released a statement
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saying an internal review is under way and the express jet that operated both the charter as well as the regularly scheduled flight made the decision to swap aircraft as the maintenance work was expected to be done quickly. unfortunately, it was not. delta flight 5059 was canceled. delta made every effort to reaccommodate the customers on alternate flights and we apologize to the 50 customers inconvenienced. a lot of people get serious about their frequent flyer miles. maybe you, maybe me, including this musician who always buys two seats, one for himself and one for his cello. steven coe bare had fun at his expense. >> delta airlines kicked me out of the sky miles program. >> tell they will why? >> i have a cello and they confiscated miles for my cello.
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they punished me for having a cello. >> no, lynne, they punished you for opening a frequent flyer account for your cello. >> i deserve them. i paid for it. >> okay. that brings us to rabbi benjamin. his story is no laughing matter. he got kicked off a northwest airlines frequent flyer plan because he complained too much. his case made it to the u.s. supreme court where he insisted the complaints were not trivial. >> there was too much salt on the peanuts. that wasn't the nature of the complaint. if we sat on the tarmac a few hours waiting for notification of what's happening, why the delay, i think you would agree, that's a lack of decency, courtesy, whatever. >> our crime and justice correspondent joe johns joins me
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from washington. joe, he's talking. he says it's not about salty peanuts. what is the legal issue here? >> honestly, brooke, most people are going to look at this and say it's a case of david and goliath. the little guy against the big corporation. it's more nuance than that. whether frequent flyers can sue in state court if they think the airline isn't being fair and acting in good faith and keeping promises to people who signed up. of course they can sue. here's the problem. there's a law dating back to the '70s. you can't sue the airlines in state court over services. it's what the court is wrestling with. >> can i be honest? when i first read about it, why is the u.s. supreme court taking up this case with a guy who lost his frequent flyer miles. why did they do this? >> right. it's very unusual case to make it all the way to the supreme
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court. bottom line is, there's big money involved. it doesn't just affect the airlines or a few people, frequent flyer programs have partners, hotels, rental car companies and a lot of other brands that feed into the frequent flyer clubs and all of those could be affected. how much legal power the traveler is allowed to have. >> joe johns, thank you, joe. also in washington, the house has voted to renew the law that bans undetectable guns. these are plastic guns that can get past metal detectors. it goes to the senate where democrats want to cover 3-d printers. since the man goes until monday, they will tackle it later. coming up, here is a question, are chimps people?
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one activist group taking this argument to court. will it impact animals at the zoo? we are on the case, plus a rabbi here in new york is teaching self-defense to his community after the string of attacks. we have been covering the so-called knock out game, people sucker punched on the street. he will demonstrate what he's trying to teach people. do not miss this. your smile. thanks for inspiring me. thanks for showing me my potential. for teaching me not to take life so seriously. thanks for loving me and being my best friend. don't forget to thank those who helped you take charge of your future and got you where you are today. the boss of your life. the chief life officer. ♪
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use caution when driving or operating machinery. common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. if i could describe being a nonsmoker, i would say "awesome." [ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. welcome back, i'm brooke baldwin, chad myers, let's go straight to you. i want to talk weather. this winter storm specifically
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in the rockies. there are issues in the midsection of the country with this stuff. >> it's going to be all over. i want to go to the picture i showed a half hour ago. this is loveland courtesy of the colorado department of transportation. no cars were parked here an hour ago. now it's come to a standstill. this is the approach to the eisenhower tunnel. this is the highest spot in colorado. it is literally the top of colorado. i just went to visit park city, snowing in park city. their web cam showing this. >> beautiful. >> they love this stuff. they want the snow. it's not like snow in atlanta. when it snows, people get going. let's get the four-wheel drive and get going here. denver, aspen, rapid city, many, many areas here with winter warnings. a foot to two feet of snow in the highest of elevations from aspen up to steam boat, park
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city seeing a bunch of snow. have to watch out. after sunset, the roads are going to freeze up. something else i'm concerned about, this is thursday morning into friday. there's going to be ice and snow event for places like dallas, little rock, memphis, paducah, ohio. here's an ice accumulation bringing down power lines. to the north of there, eight inches of snow. this is still 72 hours away. it takes a long time to figure out whether it's going to be left or right of the path. i tell you what? there will be an event that will take the mid-atlantic states from the ohio valley down to texas by surprise if you are not paying attention thursday into friday. there will be snow and ice on the ground again. >> we'll stay in close touch with you as the week progresses. thank you. now to some of the hottest stories in a flash. we call it rapid-fire. roll it. first up here, star dancer
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sentenced to six years behind bars for master minding an attack on a ballet director. remember in january, someone through acid on this guy's face, which nearly blinded him, by the way. the russian dancer told the court he wanted his boss to get a beat down for not giving him better roles. in kentucky, my favorite story of the day. they value their liquor there. someone made off with 65 cases of a rare bourbon. with the help of an anonymous donor, $10,000 reward being offered. sounds like the manhunt is getting hot. >> it's shrinking. it ee's coming in. we feel positive about that. >> looking for that. 57-year-old man fishing from a kayak off maui died after a shark attack. it bit the man's foot as it was
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dangling over the edge of a boat. a nearby tour boat rushes in to help. >> we noticed in the distance there was a body lying flat out in the kayak. we helped get the entire kayak with the body into the boat. he passed away some time before. >> the beach is now closed after this attack. this is the 13th shark attack in hawaii. coming up, a rabbi is teaching self-defense to his community after a string of attacks. ♪ as the knockout game. he will join me next. don lemon will join me and they will demonstrate. plus, which i chimp pan sees. we'll explain the argument next. ♪ [ male announcer ] laura's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today her doctor has her on a bayer aspirin regimen
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to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack, be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. if you've had a heart attack, be sure to talk to your doctor so when my moderate to severe chronic plaque psoriasis them. was also on display, i'd had it. i finally had a serious talk with my dermatologist. this time, he prescribed humira-adalimumab. humira helps to clear the surface of my skin by actually working inside my body. in clinical trials, most adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis saw 75% skin clearance. and the majority of people were clear or almost clear in just 4 months. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer have happened. blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure have occurred. before starting humira, your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live in or have been to a region
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the nation of iceland is rocked by an event the united states experiences repeatedly, deadly police shootings. officers killed someone, an i-reporter reported this sunday. the victim fired his shotgun as s.w.a.t. officers and they returned fire. here in the united states, the bureau of justice statistics report from 2003 to 2009 police killed more than 2,900 people. okay. a court case is taking animal rights to a whole new level. hear me out. a group called the non-human
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rights project is suing to have a chimpanzee seen as a legal person. it's admitted the suit on behalf of this chimp named tommy. lives in a cage. tommy's complaint is one of three suits they will file this week. all of them are to give the animals, quote, the right to bodily liberty. we have to talk about this. cnn league analyst, where do we begin? i hear the collective, what is she talking about, chimps class fid as people. what is the argument for this? >> there's a strong argument. here in the u.s., at least, corporations have been given status as humans as legal persons and that's how we sue corporations, sometimes. you are not really suing a person, you are suing the entire corporation. >> we are not trying to sue
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chimpanzees. >> that's the legal reasoning. if you can have a corporation be a person, why not an animal? i think it passes legal muster. it makes sense in a wonky way. >> when i first heard about the case, i thought this is ridiculous. chimpanzee's, animals are property. that's bar review 101. when i read the petition, i had to admit, you are pretty good. it's a well written petition. it's based on the idea, how do we define personhood in society? well, according to cognitive, it's autonomy. can we care for ourselves? do we deal with numbers? there's a lot of science showing they have these attributes. however, not so fast. we have to define personhood as
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meaning human or not human. >> i ask why? why do they want this group of chimpanzee's as humans? >> they want him out of a cage and in a sangt ware. i think it helps the organizement, especially that people do consider chimpanzees the closest animal to humans. they do have a lot of qualities so similar to us. is it fair to have a chimpanzee kept in captivity for the rest of his or her life? >> something i never thought about. we'll see if they get animal rights or personhood. >> good to have you in new york. >> thank you. don't go anywhere. i'm coming back to you all. moving on, coming up, this.
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to go along with you. keep dreaming. keep doing. go long. near the bottom of the hour, i'm brooke baldwin. you have probably heard about the so-called knockout game. you have thugs walking the street looking for innocent victims who basically walking up to them out of the blue, sucker punching them. some of them elderly, from behind, just out of nowhere. i want to stop and show you one of the worst attacks we have seen. this victim here, look at this. taken down. this is a woman and the attacker, you can watch it again, takes her from behind before she goes. philadelphia, this was philadelphia last year. this is the kind of thing that really gets you to sit up in your seat and pay attention to
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what is happening here. that said, in the past three years, documented knock outs are documented mostly in new york city and we in the media are blowing this game way out of proportion. >> the press called the knock out game. we don't discount that it exists, a possibility. we investigated and continue to investigate. >> with me here, rabbi gary, a former cop. he's teaching fellow jews to defend themselves, has a black belt in karate and known to fellow cops as rabiwitz. don lemon is here with us, too. you are going to talk about the
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so-called knockout game. reading about this, one of the investigations here in the new york area is being investigated as a hate crime because the victim is jewish. do you believe jews are being attacks? >> they were attacking weaker people. it's like the animal kingdom. they attack elderly, women, children. jewish people, are considered weak and probably deserve that reputation in many ways because they don't practice healthy living styles, don't eat right and work out. i'm training people because they are scared and want to learn how to defend themselves. >> how can you get someone to defend themselves when they are coming from behind, sucker punching? >> sure.
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it's really not that difficult. i know it looks spontaneous. a good martial arts person who is training is training to be a wear. we have exercises to be aware. if you train and see three or four -- >> be aware of your surroundings. >> there's a mental imagery thing we teach people on a regular basis here. >> have eyes on the back of your head. >> can i say something? there's no denying the video. you can see it there and what's happening. random acts of violence happen all the time. >> it's nothing new. >> there's no concrete evidence it's a phenomenon that teenagers are going around the streets knocking people out. i think it's video tape, cell phones and it's all caught on tape now. now whether or not it is, police will determine. no police department is determined there's a knockout
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game. >> you say? >> teaching people to defend themselves. there's really no evidence there is a knockout game and yes, there have been jewish people who have been tarkted, white people and black people. the video we are looking at now is in question. the guy coming from behind. many people said that is europe, it's not even philadelphia. i don't know. i know there is evidence it's been happening since 1994 and all of a sudden, the video tape has caught up with what's happened. there's a slap game in europe as well. >> there are all kind of things. >> if i could mention -- >> please. >> before 1994, i was a police officer in 1982 and it was going on then. it's been going on for over a generation. it's not just a game, it's initiation. a lot of gang members hit other people to get involved and commit a crime. this way, they have influence in the gang. it wasn't just against
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individuals. when i was a cop, they played it to cops. i was under attack several times when i worked with youth games. i was one of eight cops specializing with youth at risk. i was attacked on several occasions because i was a police officer and prepared to get arrested to win points. >> they should be. it's awful and despicable. any act of random violence, they should be arrested. there's a so-called knockout game, a guy was shot because he messed with the wrong guy. he was waiting on his daughter, he had a gun, license to carry. he shot the kid, luckily, he lived. there have been a number of those. >> gang aside, show us as best you can, if you are walking along, say you are the random person who is targeted, don lemon and you have someone coming up from behind and this person is going to sucker punch you, how do you defend yourself?
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can you show us? >> let me explain one thing about being aware. >> let's do it. don't hurt me. this is not anchor knockdown. >> when i walk down the street, i was a police officer -- >> so much going on around. >> exactly. when i walk, i don't walk straight. many people are doing the wrong thing. they are not focused. many are getting hit by cars, tripping on the sidewalk and getting assaulted because they are not focused and paying attention. you should be focused on your surroundings. >> if you are walking -- >> i don't just walk down the street. every so often, i do a turn, track my prif per i have real vision. >> does it matter what side? >> i can redirection. i redirect him and throw with the same thing.
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if i want to continue, i can go here and take him down. >> careful, he has to be on television at 11:00 tonight. >> this is my livlihood here. >> coming around, i can keep spinning around. now i put him in a shoulder lock. the shoulder will separate if i put more pressure on. what if you are walking and you don't see it? >> too many people are buried. >> i'm not saying this is guaranteed. the advantage is to become aware. >> say i get hit in the face, punch slowly. we are trained to absorb the punch, come in and grapple. when you grapple, you can take them down. >> i'm going to call you rabbi kick butt. nothing is 100% foolproof. we spoke to a woman who said her 5-year-old son was a victim of the knockout game.
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her son falls she says what happened and the perpetrators were gone. she caught up with them. it's not 100% foolproof. you have to be aware. >> one of the things, i'm going to promote legislation. i'm working with a senator, we are trying to get a gang violence law. if someone is going to commit an assault and hurt someone, a felony. on top of that, we need them to learn about the perception, communication and skills. >> teach them young. thank you so much. >> careful brooke, he may think you are coming after him. >> we are going to talk about this at 11:00 eastern. >> thank you. >> we'll talk about that and concussions in the nfl. there's a big training clinic. >> thank you very much.
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as don mentioned, i'll follow him at 11:30. in case you missed it, the moments in case you missed them, we'll have them for you tonight. coming up here, who is entitled to this andy warhol portrait of farrah fawcett? see it above the bed? it hangs over ryan o'neal's bed. now the actor is being sued. what he said in court and also more on the violent death of paul walker. it is still a mystery what happened moments before that rare porch crashed. [ male announcer ] research suggests cell health plays a key role throughout our lives. one a day men's 50+ is a complete multivitamin designed for men's health concerns as we age. with 7 antioxidants to support cell health. one a day men's 50+. with 7 antioxidants to support cell health. on the table by not choosing the right medicare d plan. no one could have left this much money here.
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>> an andy warhol fans here? this paints is being fought in an l.a. courtroom. faucet left her art collection to her alma mater, university of texas in austin. that university is accusing actor ryan o'neal, faucet's long-time boyfriend of stealing the portrait. the 72-year-old actor took the witness stand insisting warhol made two prints, one for faucet and one for him. the painting was seen in the reality show hanging there on the walls of o'neal's bedroom above the bed. let's talk about this. danny, you get to start first. do you think there is any chance he's going to get this painting, the portrait? >> basically, if farrah fawcett
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owned it beforehand, it's clear all of her artwork goes to the university of texas. for him to win, he has to convince them i had this piece of art that was farrahs, then mine. when she walked in on me with another woman, i asked her to hold it for me. she displayed it in her condo and acted as if she owned it. she didn't package it up and put it in the attic. if she held it, it's hard to convince the jury. >> the piece i would like to discuss is the reason farrah took it back is because she found him in bed with a 25-year-old. the 25-year-old said she felt uncomfortable with farrah looking at her while sleeping in ryan o'neal's bed. ryan gives the painting back to farrah. guess what? the law of equity is in my mind. he does not get to keep the
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painting, which he relinquished to bed the 25-year-old. >> it's not right. i don't care if it's not legal, it's not right. >> it's not going back to mr. o'neal is what i'm hearing. >> it's sunny's law. >> do you agree? thank you very much. we are getting new surveillance video of paul walker, actor of "fast and furious" killed over the weekend. we are getting new surveillance video of him coming up next. hey kevin...still eating chalk for heartburn? yeah... try new alka seltzer fruit chews. they work fast on heartburn and taste awesome. these are good. told ya! i'm feeling better already. [ male announcer ] new alka seltzer fruits chews. enjoy the relief! [ male announcer ] new alka seltzer fruits chews. is caused by people looking fore traffic parking.y that's remarkable that so much energy is, is wasted.
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dead beneath him. when you hear the driver tell the story, you know his glass is always half full. we put together this piece through the words of richard custer and his family. >> it's just hard. just hard. itis been rough. >> i don't remember too much. what's a second chance worth? that's a question that i guess only god can answer. >> he is a miracle. >> rick got one. >> he's my son. >> his best friend. >> we have always been close. >> 4:00 in the afternoon, we left to go wherever. >> if i call rick and don't get a call back in 24 hours, there's an issue. >> we knew he was missing because he left his dog. >> we flew to the other side of the road and off a 30 foot cliff. six days, six nights, no food,
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no water, i was laying on top of my dead friend. ♪ >> i could feel him. >> i knew he was going to come back to us. >> one person had severe injuries. i knew that was my son. >> i lost both legs, broke my face. >> a nightmare. >> i heard from doctors that i should have been dead multiple times. >> always going to celebrate that day as a second birthday. a miracle. >> there's one reasonable explanation, god has a plan for me. >> god has given us a second it.nce and i'm not going blow >> i have a lot to be thankful for. >> such a good personality. >> i can still play with my two kids. >> i never have to buy shoes again. >> seconds away from dying.
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>> miracles do happen. my brother is proof. >> wasn't supposed to be here. it's got to be a miracle. >> kusa reports custer's friend suffered a medical problem before he crashed the truck. now, just in, new surveillance video shows the scene where actor paul walker died. they are ruling out drag racing. what happened moments before the crash is a mystery. alan duke joins me live. walk me through this video. >> what we are finding out from the video, this camera posted on a building across the street from where the crash happened, you don't actually see the crash. you don't see the car. see that? the light post falling and the tree and then you see this debris go. all right, count 60 seconds from that point. itis not until there that you
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see significant smoke. there's a whisp of smoke. i'm not sure how this is edited. the smoke is very light for 60 seconds. what that suggests is the fire did not become a raging fire for about a minute which means the two occupants in the vehicle would have had 60 seconds to get out, if they could have. we don't know what happene. nobody saw what they were trying to do at that time. it was a full 60 seconds until what you see now, the heavier smoke going. right. i believe this is edited, correct me if i'm wrong. if we saw -- >> it is edited. you saw the raw. 60 seconds after the light pole goes down is when the smoke begins, is that correct? >> having been there that evening and seeing the scene and sitting at the hedges looking down as the coroner pulled the
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bodies from the wreckage, i can tell you the significance. the 60 seconds you don't see smoke, what was happening then, that is the horror that paul walker and roger we are suffering. they were, at that time, all right, let's watch it again, light post, it goes down. that is realtime there. again, the edited, that smoke, that edit leaves out a 60-second gap there. if we see the 60 seconds, we see horror below those hedges because those men obviously would have been trying to get out, and nobody was there outside to help them. it wasn't until the flames were rising and the smoke was above those hedges that you're looking at now, about two minutes later, that anyone arrived with a fire extinguisher or to try to help them. we've heard of heroic efforts to try to pull the men out because it was too late. the friends were at a charity event at rodas' car shop when
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they heard the krocrash. it was a couple, three minutes by the time they got there. by the time they got there, that's what the smoke looked like right there. it's the lonely 60 seconds of no smoke, no fire in the porsche carrera gt when those men were inside that vehicle obviously unable to get out. we'll hear this afternoon from the coroner. we'll hear this afternoon from the coroner. sorry, i was going to tell you we'll get preliminary autopsy results perhaps within a couple hours from the coroner, talk to the coroner investigator short time ago. we should have a positive identification. now, everything is presumed that it was roger rodas and paul walker in the car. and it's also presumed, based on witness statements, that rodas was behind the wheel because that's how they were when they left the shop minutes earlier. however, what we don't really know, did they switch seats? was walker driving?
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we don't have any reason to believe that they did, but we don't know if they didn't. so the coroner will be able to verify that for us this afternoon. >> also, in fact, if they survived the collision to be able to try to get out for the 60 long seconds before we see the giant presume of smoke. alan duke, thank you for getting us this you surveillance video. horrific images to watch. thank you, and we will take a quick break. so passionate about its new tomato florentine soup, it took a little time to get it just right. [ ding ] ♪ but finally, it happened. perfection. at progresso, we've got a passion for quality, because you've got a passion for taste.
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health officials in santa barbara, california, could have a major outbreak on their hands. four students at the university of california has been diagnosed now with a disease that causes meningitis. one patient actually had to have his feet amputated. as many as 500 people may have been exposed. we're joined now from santa barbara with a little bit more. paul, how concerned are officials about this? >> reporter: brooke, they are extremely concerned and they're attacking this outbreak aggressively, even telling some of the sororities and fraternities behind me not to sponsor parties at this time. it's like a crime investigation and the suspect bacteria, the investigators, nurses, county health officials, they're actively interviewing students seeing who may have had close contact with any of the four
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meningitis patients. let's look at a statement from the university and see what they are telling students at this time. they say that santa barbara county public health is strongly recommending that student organizations refrain from participating in social events, translation, parties, that involve close contact, alcohol and/or smoking and where eating utensils and cups or glasses may be shared. all the existing cases appear to have had a close personal contact. so far, 500 students have been given a powerful antibiotic in pill form to help guard against meningitis, and another 700 students, brooke, are expected to receive these pills tomorrow. >> paul, thank you very much. in santa barbara. before i go here, let's talk about pope francis. we know he's making waves for being unconventional, often shunned the pomp and the ceremony. he's earned a reputation as a pope of the people. it seemed totally believable
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when this report came out that indicated the pope was sneaking out of the vatican late at night dressed as a priest to minister rome's homeless population. so daniel burke, to you i go, co-editor of cnn's belief blog on we love the story and maybe loved it too much because now the vatican is saying the pope is not sneaking out, right? >> that's right. i'm sorry, brooke, it's one of those stories that's too good to be true. the vatican says there are real concerns why the pope isn't doing this. you have to remember he's not only head of the roman catholic church, he's also a sovereign of state, vatican city. when he leaves vatican city, even if it's to go next door to rome, there are all kinds of protocols and security measures they have to go through. they have to inform the italian government. it's just impractical for him to do this. lots of people want to believe it. i see it all over the internet today. unfortunately, it's not true. >> i don't know if pope francis could roll around incognito, just a guess. i do in reading about this and
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talking to you today, i'm hearing the pope worked as a bouncer in his younger years? is that really true? >> that is true. that one's true. so he was -- it's hard to believe, right? so he was talking to a church group in italy earlier this week, and he told a little bit about his early career. it was a way of relating to the people in this parish which is kind of a working class parish. he mentioned in argentina, he was once a nightclub bouncer. his father worked for the railroad in argentina. he didn't come from a family with lots of money. so that's one of the things he did when he was putting himself through school to study to become a priest. what's funny now is you can imagine pope francis being the worst bouncer in the world. i mean, judging by his -- >> he let everyone in. come on in the nightclub. >> right. he'll probably buy them a drink once he gets there. that's way he's been as pope. >> it's a wonderful little tidbit to learn of his life, his younger years back in argentina. thank you so much for joining me
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from the cnn belief blog. i'm brooke baldwin. thank you so much for being with me here in new york. i'm back on tv tonight 11:30 eastern, 8:30 pacific. "in case you missed it" is the name of the new show. in the meantime, to washington. "the lead with jake tapper" starts right now. have you heard about this thing called the affordable care act? because the president is not sure that you have. i'm jake tapper. and this is "the lead." the national lead. he knows the rollout was a disaster. he knows many think he broke his promise about being able to keep their plans. now with the obama care website kind of sort of working, the president is making his sales pitch to the american people again. also in national news, we already know the train was going too fast. now we know the engineer says he was in a daze before it derailed. what else will we learn when investigators update us this hour on that deadly train crash in the bronx? and the pop